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Digital Tools to Capture and Catapult Your Ideas [PREVIEW]


Are you paying the price for forgetting ideas?

Discover bullet-proof ways to capture, organise and go public with your ideas.

We all know how it feels. You have a brilliant, business-changing idea. But then it's gone, along the reward it may have brought.

As a creative strategist, Nathan has developed digital techniques that have enabled ideas to be transformed into full-scale marketing campaigns and even new businesses for clients around the world. Once you use these tools, you may never have to pay the price of forgetting an idea again.

Preview of full Workshop

Nathan Shooter will be presenting this concise 10 minute preview of his full workshop, at the Business Exchange Club regular breakfast meeting on Tuesday morning at 7am in Dubbo, Australia. It's free and open the public!

Tickets are strictly limited by room size, so please register today.